Stress is Making You Fat
I’m sure you have heard the term ‘fight or flight’ response. It’s a built-in reaction to stressful situation where your adrenals create gluco-corticoid hormones like cortisol and epinephrine (adrenalin) which equips you with emergency fuel and energy. Basically, this helps mobilize glucose into the bloodstream to fuel muscles for a boost of energy to respond to stressful situations rapidly!
Is a bear chasing you, is your boss yelling at you, or are you in a car accident? Unfortunately, your body doesn’t know the difference. Continuing stressful scenarios keeps cortisol and adrenalin coursing through your veins causing a myriad of health and wellness issues. Constant stress prevents immune cells from responding to foreign invaders like virus, infections, and cancer cells. Not to mention, digestive issues like IBS, increased blood pressure, decreased brain function as in loss of memory, and insomnia induced fatigue, just to mention a few more stress-related issues.
BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE! Constant stress and elevated cortisol levels not only increases your appetite, but also slows down your metabolism. It not only ignites the flames of inflammation, it ignites your cravings for fatty, salty, sugary foods. In the short term, adrenalin will reduce the appetite as you focus on the task at hand, but eventually with chronic stress, that wears off and cortisol starts to urge your body to replenish your energy or in other words: STORE FAT.

And who hasn’t turned to ice cream, or a milkshake and fries, or a bag of cookies when ‘stuff happens.’ You surely didn’t reach for an organic salad and a green tea, did you?
BUT WAIT, THERE’S EVEN MORE! What about your face during stressful times? High cortisol levels trigger oil production and inflammation which spurs the growth of bacteria leading to clogged pores and acne. Chronic facial inflammation leads to fine lines and wrinkles due to collagen destruction and tissue atrophy. Facial stress also leads to dark circles and excessive pigmentation and constant harsh facial expressions leave permanent impressions on the skin’s surface. YUK!
1. Consider how you can reduce the tension in your life because your life may depend on it. This may mean taking drastic measures like moving, changing jobs, setting boundaries, and putting yourself first for a change. One way to reduce stress and put yourself first is to get a facial on a regular basis. Try our relaxing European Facial and save $30.00 when you mention this article.

2. Make time for prayer and meditation. Be grateful for the good in your life now and the opportunities to come. Turn off the noise and be mindful of who you are and where you are going without judgments, just awareness. Take a few deep breaths, in through the nose and out through mouth. Taking a time out or two, helps you respond to events in a calmer manner.
3. Spend more time in nature and walk on the grass or beach bare-footed. This is called ‘grounding’ and connects you to the earth’s energy and shifts the autonomic nervous system from cortisol producing, normalizes the day-night cortisol rhythm, and reduces stress.
4. Take relaxing baths. Epsom salt breaks down into magnesium and sulfate which induces relaxation. Himalayan and Dead Sea salts contain loads of minerals that can also improve skin conditions, as well as reduce muscle tension. Add 5 to 10 drops of essential oils like rose, chamomile, lavender, rosemary, or sandalwood to one tablespoon of olive oil and then add to bath water to relax tired muscles, soothe your skin and your mind.

5. Drink green tea because it is high in L-theanine, an amino acid that helps ease levels of stress and anxiety. It also increases dopamine (the feel-good hormone), GABA, and glycine levels which calms the nervous system.
6. Instead of reaching for that pint of ice cream, reach for a handful of walnuts. They increase serotonin levels which is the hormone that creates calm and happiness.

7. Vitamin B helps regulate the adrenal glands. Eat more grass-fed and free-range proteins and wild-caught fish and you may need to add a quality B complex supplement to reduce the negative effects of stress.
8. Leafy greens can make you happy. Kale, spinach, collards, Swiss chard are high in Vitamins A, C, K, and folate and minerals iron and calcium. These greens will help you manufacture mood-regulating neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, the happy hormones.
9. Omega-3 Fatty Acids help regulate blood pressure. Eat more salmon, herring, cod, and halibut. Magnesium also helps with blood pressure and is found in avocados, nuts, dark chocolate, seeds, bananas, legumes, and whole grains.
10. LAST BUT NOT LEAST: don’t skip your skincare regimens. Stress can do a number on your face, as well as your health. So, this is not the time to skip cleansing and moisturizing. Especially with our Aloe-based skincare from Hello Gorgeous. Aloe Vera is known for its anti-inflammatory benefits. That’s why you can put it directly on a burn and the pain is gone instantly. And research even proves now that it increases collagen formation up to 8 times faster than normal. This is a win-win for your face. Target facial problems with our Anti-Aging Serums with aloe, stem cells and peptides to reduce the signs of FACIAL STRESS!!
